Sunday 18 November 2007

Mothers concern that theirs children are too tall.

Growing up, Roan Apolonio was always seated in the back of classrooms at school and placed in the last row for group pictures. Noticeably taller than her peers, Apolonio always felt different. At 14, she finally found out why.
It was when she grew taller than her older brother that her concerned mother, Jovie, took her to a doctor in their hometown of Pasig City in the Philippines. The physician suspected Marfan syndrome — a rare genetic disorder that affects the connective tissue and can have an impact on many body systems, including the heart and blood vessels, eyes, skin and skeleton. Physical traits include a tall, slender build, a narrow face, loose joints and spinal abnormalities
Even after the diagnosis was confirmed, Apolonio had little more than a label for her symptoms. "I didn't understand what Marfan syndrome was or what to do about it," she says.

This is one of the most common scenario in patients with Marfan Syndrome. See further information at

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